A Daily Pause

By Gary Kehaulani Sapp
Acceptance. Compassion. These are two concepts my spiritual tradition has taught me. Yet I have to admit that they are for me, as much intellectual ideals as they are concepts you actually put into practice. But after becoming a regular member of the chat on the Daily Pidgin LIVE show, these concepts are beginning to take tangible form.
For me that means having no interest in motorcycles, nevertheless, looking in wonder at the technology and appearance, then sharing someone else’s enthusiasm for them. It’s looking at a desert, which coming from lush Hawai`i looks like a barren wasteland, yet focusing on a single, minuscule plant or lizard as it slithers by. These are the kinds of things I see reinforced daily on the Daily Pidgin LIVE chat show and why I keep coming back.
The show is a place to get away from all the noise. To become centered. To become interested in things and people I might not otherwise be exposed to. And at the core of this discovery is host Andy Bumatai. No, he’s not a cult hero or a guru. He’s just a guy. And that’s the way he wants to be thought of. But one with a wealth of experiences. All these things about Andy seem to have one thing in common: a child-like wonder and acceptance of people and things. Not child-ish, child-like. Looking at things and people without filters on. Taking them as they are, as worthy, no matter what the circumstances. And I am led to see things like that too.
Beyond that, Andy gives us some well-placed thoughts of wisdom. His observances of the nature of people, of what’s really of value and what is superficial. Sometimes a pearl of his wisdom just drops out of nowhere and it makes you think in a completely different way.
And this brings me back to my original thought. I see Andy living out these values every day, promoting these values, and it has awakened in me the same values. I look at people through their eyes, not my own eyes. I discover the wonder of things the way they are, not as how I want them to be. My life is enriched.
You can become a part of our Ohana (family) on the Daily Pidgin LIVE show if you want a little respite or just want to share in the Hawaiian experience. Hope to see you then. Aloha!